23 / 06 / 2016
Energy classification of A/C units in a certain energy class (A, B, C etc). How the air conditioning units are being classified?

In accordance to the instructions of the CE, the entire electrical devices are classified in 7 energy classes (from A to G), depending on the energy they consume towards the energy they attribute. Concerning the air conditioning units it depends on the rate of EER (Energy Efficiency Rate) for summer and of COP (Coefficient Of Performance) for winter. The higher these factors are the better energy classifications the units have and also more economical operation. Below you may see the energy classification table:
A. Cooling
- Class Α, EER 3,2
- Class B, EER 3,2-3,0
- Class C, EER 3,0-2,8
- Class D, EER 2,8-2,6
- Class E, EER 2,6-2,4
B. Heating
- Class Α, COP 3,6
- Class B, COP 3,6-3,4
- Class C, COP 3,4-3,2
- Class D, COP 3,2-2,8
- Class E, COP 2,8-2,6 etc.