08 / 07 / 2016
How can you benefit from the collected water by your dehumidifier?

The water collected in your dehumidifier is deionised water. You can use it in several cases. However, if there is still mold in the place you dehumidify, it would be better to wait till you improve your air quality with the continuous dehumidification and use the water afterwards.
Use the dehumidifier:
- to water your plants. It would be good to use the water collected in your dehumidifier in plants that you want to cook or eat, only in case you are absolutely sure that the air is totally clean.
- to iron your clothes. Use the collected water to fill your clothes iron
- to fill in the tank of your car's wipers. You can add detergent to the wipers tank and fill it with the collected water from your dehumidifier.