23 / 06 / 2016
How does a Dehumidifier work?

How does a Dehumidifier work?
Dehumidification is the process of abstraction of the humidity that is in the air in the form of vapor. The dehumidification can be obtained in two ways:
By cooling the air in temperatures lower the Dew Point of the air. This is accomplished with special cooling devices that are cooling the air at low temperatures abstracting the humidity from the air. Next, the air is heated again and supplied to the air conditioned rooms with the proper psychometric data (temperature and relative humidity). There are many different models of Dehumidifiers regarding their capability in dehumidification (l/h), in order to meet the requirements of domestic, businesslike or industrial type installations.
- Chemical type Dehumidifiers. Their operation is based on the use of chemical dehydrating materials (i.e. silicagel), that abstract humidity from the air in order to maintain the relative humidity in the permissible limits.